Вячеслав Бутусов & Орден Славы — The Idiot

The Wordsmith enters the house
He walks up the stairwell
Takes off his soggy raincoat
Prostrates himself in prayer

The bigger the city
The lower the people
King’s dancing daughter is eager
For the holy man’s head on a plate

The Wordsmith stares at the heavens
He’s writing a book of life
The dawn is breaking outside
Into a dreary rainy morning

The longer the hunger
The madder the devils
Judas is salting the bread
And the veil is torn in the temple

The devils rip through the windows
The devils rip into souls
Dispensing with their sheep’s clothes
Baring their fangs and claws

The brighter the stars
The softer the sounds
The rooster has crowed three times
And sunshine is already coming

The Prince enters the tube
Takes off his funny hat
Takes out a graphite pencil
And writes «Idiot» on the wall

The higher the sun
The shorter the shadows
The tombstone’s ready at graveside
Easter day has come to the world

There can be no night without light
And there’s no day without the dark

The heavenly cycle of powers
Brings us light and brings us life

There can be no night without light
And there’s no day without the dark

The Idiot
The Idiot
The Idiot
The Idiot

A son without a Fatherland
A man with no Motherland
The Idiot

A prodigal son without a fatherland
An orphan with no motherland
The Idiot
The Idiot

A son without a Fatherland
A man with no Motherland

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